Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New blog


Thursday, June 24, 2010

What could stand before You as You chose to embrace

There is this: we always grow old.
Grow old but may not grow up.
And grow old to what?
To this dark place where it stops you from maturing.
Negativity are always there and i gradually feel that
it is this that is ruining this society.
There is always this unharmful joke that could be breaking one's heart unknowingly
But gradually, this joke grows to become an insult
And you don't think it is.
And thats why people always like seeing people getting ridiculed
and not see people getting honoured.
And i admit sometimes i have too.
And why.
Because its hard to find positivity here
Well, except in yourself, in you.
Thus grow up!
Let's not just receive
but also give encouragement to those who fail
and honour those who did well!
Here is my 1 post/month my body clock been weird today.