Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Lance corporal ttm!

Don't kinda get it,
Why do people just so care about ranks?
like its their life. their only hope
Well thats life in some place
Don't really want to commit my time into this
Cause even if i team up with some of them
Who only scorn at the sight of the mere low rank
Its just make the ending part unfruitful, so unproductive
Thats why i rather plant my roots on other grounds
Anyway life is great!!!Today is not totally hopeless
Cause one person is like agreed to come for Zone F this week!
LIfe is great!
Thank God ttm for my BlackBErry
Got it instead of a Iphone!
Came back from malaysia yesterday and i bot a lot of SUB shirts too
In the end thinks that Sub shirts are way cooler than Topman
topman there 50 % discount but bot nothing..quite waste man
But still awesome !!!
Can't wait for countdown for new year!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The day after boxing day

Currently in Malaysia. haha
Its seems like i will always blog when i am overseas
Christmas ended. =)
Meaning that a new year is coming
Love it. Can't wait for school starts
But thinking of it..
i cmi for Lf duty on christmas day
and recording for cch on boxing day
makes me feel like crap
But i know that there are still ways to serve
Many ways to rise even higher
'Do not worry'
I love these 3 words
And i realise when people like actors and other..
Hint 3 words.
Is either 'i love you' or 'i forgive you' or 'lets break up'
But think that 'do not worry' is better
To a certain.yep. 'certain' extent =)

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Can't believe i am blessed like so immediately.
BF is finished ^^
And amazing things happen.
Received a voucher of $200 from MOE yesterday
Ands its like WHAT!
a voucher for good progress for study
First time man
A great miracle muhaha!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

its time

Super cool!
Time for a little conviction
Time for an improvement!
Now time to sleep!


i forgotten to say the good things!!!!
theres one guy from other church
who asks mi to pray for him!
though its like a small things to pray about
but feels super cool!
Pray Pray Pray!

Super tedious

I hate quarrels
because i knew nothing good will happen
and i knew i would never win
not tat i dun have this ability to win
is tat sometimes after you win
Wat happens
things get worse.
i went out with parents to somerset
bot a eastpack
then 3pm can't go pm even when they are going home
'Why so supertitious?'
(translated from chinese)
dun noe wad she is talking about
if only she knows when she is sick...
sucks to be me
right now talking to HS
totally random!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


They are just medicines, or also known as drugs.
but is like such powdery substance can be a pain killer,
can be so interesting
- its like relieving the problems
and/or - holding back your problems temporary
but the pain come back when the numb effect is gone
Had 3 teeth extracted today and its like no feeling
Was like half asleep during the whole period!
5 hours sleep sometimes is a good thing yeas
Then visit HS without Nicholas, Cheryl and Marcus
but he last minute went out...
so i went to visit Yihui house with marcus
During the journey to there conversation super cool
Enjoying myself whenever talking to marcus
Went for Leader's meeting after that!
First time and its was wow
SO many people
its like a service like that
Mans another great day gone
Time is running out!
Don care all those ban liao!
Conquer life ttm now!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Listen with your eyes

A little girl came home from school with a drawing she'd made in class. She danced into the kitchen, where her mother was preparing dinner.
'Mom, guess what?' she squealed, waving the drawing.
'What?' she said, tending to the pots.
'Guess what?' the child repeated, waving the drawing.
'What?' the mother said, tending to the plates.
'Mom, you are not listening.'
'Sweetie, yes I am.'
'Mom,' the child said, ' you're not listening with your eyes.'
From Mitch Albom 'have a little faith'

Sometimes we often took these small things like the air we take for granted
Those things like trust is important but sadly its what people always take for granted.
Personally i too, sometimes take these for granted.
But everyone is imperfect. =)
That why i never asked for perfection.
Even though i always longed for.
Anyways today was great
Men United CG and shopping with Jordan and Aloysius!!!
Bought a TopMan shirt in Orchard Ion ($99)
Thanks my parents for sponsoring!!
and the computer mouse too. I can get back to com again
Excited for saturday! Tug of war! also can't wait for services again!
I loved getting peace in my heart on a lovely Saturday afternoon! lol

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

November is life!

This November is one of the best month ever! ^^
This is really what i loved about life.
This is really amazing.
This is really life!
Talk about these 4 weeks, Whacked!
Though Mondays are boring, its good getting prayed up and refreshed
Tuesdays are great, just some of exercise and warm up for the week
Those Wednesdays are cool, awesome people to talk and share
Thursdays are wicked, games of Gunning shoots and aims
Tired Fridays, but fun are coming up
Saturdays are awesome, raising up hands and rising up spirits
Sundays are Superb! Musics are just meant to praise and family dinner is always great!

December! its equally or more than busier and awesome!