Saturday, August 1, 2009

No more worry.Just Do it

Well, I'm sorry if it sounds kinds sad,
It's just that I'm worried.
So worried that you'll let me down
-Shaking Stevens
Well. i am not worried anymore. Why worry when you know it cannot be prevented or when you can just do something about that problem?
I know i am a bit lag.But FOP yesterday is just awesome! I know i have to do so something when i know there is CCA yesterday, i did it. and had a breakthrough in me. The atmosphere is just wonderful.HOGC totally rocked the whole Indoor Stadium!
Today was awesome TOO! Folo up (3 more lessons to go!) and then main service. Bigger!!!!
Flow with Yx. THinking that Revival is too small. Need to respone. NOW! We need to be BIGGER. Let get BETTER!
Also think i am too skinny. I need to do something to grow fatter.^^
Symptons of Bigorexia