Sunday, October 18, 2009


This week had been awesome. Miracles can be seen!
This few weeks, as you might have known, its the results week.
Then this guy i do not want to mention, told HS that he will go service only if he is promoted to Sec 4.
And Prayer really works!
He (sort of) passed the promotion criteria to sec4!
He was like the past few weeks so worried about his exams.. But i realised that nobody in this world need this word 'worry' in his life.
Indeed I do not have to worry about these types of things. After all, all these exams stuff are not really that important..Intially just want to excel and do well academically and then after that excel in your career so that it will keep parents happy. That you can go out more often and do not wish to be nagged or banned.
But found out that the most important thing to it is to be a great testimony to others. That being committed in church can also means that you can do well in other things too.(except for my cca...)
My parents are happy with my results. (I think), judging from the absence of any scoldings from any of my parents =)
Now i think i can go out more often, not like my September holiday!!! I went out today until 10pm and i only get a phone call,not scoldings. not like september holiday that time just 1 minute after service ended and my parents already called me like 2 or 3 times...
Change!! I just love the twist of events!
From bad to Good
Well, i do not know that that guy will keep his promise whether he will go for service once it is confirmed he had promoted to Sec 4. But i will believe. and so will everyone yea.