Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Lance corporal ttm!

Don't kinda get it,
Why do people just so care about ranks?
like its their life. their only hope
Well thats life in some place
Don't really want to commit my time into this
Cause even if i team up with some of them
Who only scorn at the sight of the mere low rank
Its just make the ending part unfruitful, so unproductive
Thats why i rather plant my roots on other grounds
Anyway life is great!!!Today is not totally hopeless
Cause one person is like agreed to come for Zone F this week!
LIfe is great!
Thank God ttm for my BlackBErry
Got it instead of a Iphone!
Came back from malaysia yesterday and i bot a lot of SUB shirts too
In the end thinks that Sub shirts are way cooler than Topman
topman there 50 % discount but bot nothing..quite waste man
But still awesome !!!
Can't wait for countdown for new year!