Monday, September 7, 2009

Overcoming problems

I am still living in September 5. WOOLALA. such an awesome day. If i can time travel it will be one of this day that i will time travel to.
After all, that is the day that i shared my testimony and also did cam 5. Hang out with friends. SO much fun. HAHA

Arg. i just can't resist the temptation to post after i said i will not post until SA2. i promise this will be my last.
Because i had this revelation when i was doing my homework.
Just want to share it.haha
When i was doing my homework just now, i stumbled into some Circles question which i am weak at. Instead of finding the answer i just skip that question.Tuition teacher came. And she wanted me to find that answer. In the end i just knew how to do.
this is just like life. Everyone of us will have problems now and then. But why do some of them just overcome it quickly while some kept having the same problem over and over again? Which make me realise that it how the people do to face the problems.
Running away from the problem is like hiding the rubbish under the bed everytime the rubbish appear. Of course the rubbish will accumulate and one of this day the rubbish will just overflow, even bigger than last time. And now its hard to overcome.
Running away from the problem is also like transferring some bad eggs from one basket to the other. Of course the bad eggs are still there, but is only at others place. The problems will still appear and why can't we just find a way to get rid of the problems permanently instead of just hiding the problems?
Instead of running, why don't we just face these problems? isn't it better to overcome them instead of just running away from them when they are still there? For example, like just now. when i know the solution to the problems for my maths question, it felt like i have a breakthrough in my Circle chapter. Life is much better for me without worrying about my Maths topic now.
Getting a bigger breakthrough now.
Now i must overcome these problems i am having now.
HOlla. I just love receiving revelation from God.
This holiday is pretty good after all.